
LIC Portfolio: Top 25 Stock Holdings of LIC

LIC holds nearly 340 stocks worth 464,250 crores. Below given are the top 25 holdings of LIC. Conservative investors who are yet to begin their investment career can simply invest in below stocks in SIP mode as all of these stocks are fundamentally strong stocks and backed up by foreign and domestic institutions.

Interesting Facts

1. Life Insurance Corporation is holding 1975075980(16.29%) shares of ITC, the tobacco makers. In March 2014 LIC was holding 1102829844(13.87%) shares. From the above data, its clear that LIC has bought huge chunk of shares of ITC Ltd.

2. Life Insurance Corporation is holding 262613009(8.31%) shares of Reliance Industries. LIC is the largest shareholder of RIL apart from promoters.

3. LIC is holding 703124108 (8.96%) shares of SBI

4. LIC did a blunder of reducing the stake in Maruti Suzuki from 20018385(6.63%) in 2014 to 16007292 (5.30%) in March 2017. Stock price has almost doubled during this time

5. In 1991, LIC's investment in stock market was just Rs. 15800 crores as per RBI data

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